Setup time: 3 Min

Integrate Honeycomb into All Quiet.

1. Create Honeycomb Integration on All Quiet

Create a Honeycomb integration

  1. Click on the Integrations > Inbound Tab.
  2. Click on Create New Integration.

Select Honeycomb for the integration’s type

  1. Enter a display name for your Honeycomb integration, e.g. “Honeycomb”.
  2. Pick your team.
  3. Select Honeycomb as the type.
  4. Click Create integration.

Get the All Quiet webhook URL and shared secret

After creating the Honeycomb integration on AllQuiet, you can view and copy

  1. the webhook URL
  2. the shared secret

You will require these two in the next step when configuring the integration on Honeycomb.

2. Create an integration on Honeycomb

Open your Honeycomb, go to your Account and select Team settings.

  1. Navigate to Integrations
  2. Click Add Integration.
  1. Choose Webhook as provider.
  2. Enter a name, e.g. the name of your team at All Quiet
  3. Paste in the All Quiet webhook URL you’ve obtained in step Get The All Quiet Webhook URL and shared secret.
  4. Paste in the shared secret you’ve obtained in step Get The All Quiet Webhook URL and shared secret.
  1. In Honeycomb, open Triggers page.
  2. Either select a trigger you already created, or like us, set up a new trigger.

On the trigger page, select Add Recipient.

  1. Select the integration you added ealier as your Recipient.
  2. You can see the webhook URL and the encoded shared secret you added to the integration a few steps ago. Click Add.

Click Create Trigger, or, if you edited an existing trigger, safe changes.

Go back to Account > Team settings > Integrations. Click Test for your All Quiet Integration.

Send Test Alert.

Test Payload

Go back to your All Quiet Honeycomb integration that you’ve created in step Create a Honeycomb Integration.

  1. Click ← Select to load the test incident’s payload that was just created into the payload field.
  2. You can see how the mapping will transform the Honeycomb payload to an All Quiet incident.
Honeycomb is now successfully integrated with All Quiet. You can add the All Quiet Integration to as many triggers on Honeycomb as you like!