Setup time: 2 Min

Integrate AppSignal to send alerts and errors to All Quiet by using our custom integration.

1. Add AppSignal Integration to Your All Quiet Team

Create a AppSignal integration

  1. Click on the Integrations > Inbound Tab.
  2. Click on Create New Integration.

Select AppSignal as the Integration’s Type

  1. Enter a Display Name for your integration, e.g. “AppSignal”.
  2. Pick the Team you’d like to add the integration to.
  3. Select AppSignal as the type.
  4. Click Create Inbound Integration.

Get the All Quiet webhook URL

After creating the integration on All Quiet, you can view and copy the webhook URL. You will require this URL in step 2 when configuring the custom integration on AppSignal.

2. Create a custom integration on AppSignal

Sign in to your AppSignal Account.

  1. Open Applications
  2. Select the application you want to add the All Quiet integration to, here My Application.

In the navigation bar, select App settings.

  1. In the app settings, select Notifications > Notifiers in the navigation bar.
  2. On the Notifiers page, select Add integration +.
  3. Connect All Quiet via Webhook.

Now, it’s time to set up the Webhook.

  1. Select a Name for the Webhook, e.g. All Quiet.
  2. Select for which events your would like to send notifications.
    As of now, we support event types Alerts and Errors (Exception Incidents).
    Here, we select both types we support.
  3. As Webhook url, paste in the All Quiet webhook URL you’ve obtained in step Get The All Quiet Webhook URL.
  4. Click Submit.

Afterwards, click Test Webhook to see if you can send a payload to All Quiet.

All Quiet will now create incidents based on AppSignal Errors.

Create All Quiet Incidents based on AppSignal Uptime Monitoring & Anomaly Detection Alerts

To forward alerts from AppSignal Uptime Monitoring and Anomaly Detection to All Quiet, you have to add All Quiet as Notifier. Here is how:

Uptime Monitoring

  1. Select Uptime Monitoring in your application’s navigation bar.
  2. Then, Edit uptime monitor
  1. Add All Quiet webhook in Notify me through section.
  2. Click Update uptime monitor
All Quiet will now create incidents based on AppSignal uptime monitoring.

Anomaly Detection

  1. Select Anomaly Detection > Triggers in your application’s navigation bar.
  2. Then, click Add a trigger or edit an existing one.
  1. Add All Quiet webhook in Notify me through section.
  2. Click Save trigger
All Quiet will now create incidents based on AppSignal anomaly detection.