Inbound Integrations
Connect Rollbar to All Quiet
Setup time: 2 Min
Integrate Rollbar into All Quiet by using our custom integration.
1. Add Rollbar Integration to Your All Quiet Team
Create a Rollbar integration
- Click on the
Integrations > Inbound
Tab. - Click on
Create New Integration
Select Rollbar as the Integration’s Type
- Enter a
Display Name
for your integration, e.g. “Rollbar”. - Pick the
you’d like to add the integration to. - Select
as the type. - Click
Create Inbound Integration
Get the All Quiet webhook URL
After creating the integration on All Quiet, you can view and copy the webhook URL. You will require this URL in step 2 when configuring the integration on Rollbar’s website.
2. Create a custom integration on Rollbar
Sign in to your Rollbar Account.
- Open
- Select the project you would like to add our integration to. Then click on
Our integration can be added via Webhook
- As
, paste in the All Quiet webhook URL you’ve obtained in step Get The All Quiet Webhook URL. - Click
Enable Webhook Integration
After the integration is created, you will receive as success message. Then, do the following:
- Delete the
Deploy -> Post to Webhook
rule that is auto-created. It’s not working with us. - Click
Save Settings
. Send Test Notification
Open the All Quiet Web App and navigate to your Rollbar Integration’s detail page.
- Scroll down to the
section. In theTest Payload
area, you should see an example of a rollbar payload that we created. - Moreover, you can see the preview of an All Quiet incident based on our
Test Payload
- If the test notification was sent succesfully from Rollbar, you will find it’s payload on the right hand side in
Latest Payloads
. ClickSelect
. - The Rollbar test notification is selected as
Test Payload
. - As the test notification is missing some required elements, we cannot create a test incident. However, as the payload was sent, the integration is working. You can use the pre-defined payload we showed in the last step and our mapping field to customize your All Quiet incidents created via your Rollbar integration. For detailed guidance, you may check out our payload mapping documentation.
Using our Terraform provider? Download the default mapping of the
resource for the Rollbar integration. Simply copy the syntax to your .tf file and tailor the resource to your team’s needs!Rollbar is now successfully integrated with All Quiet.
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