Inbound Integrations
Connect Dynatrace to All Quiet
Setup time: 3 Min
Integrate Dynatrace into All Quiet by using our custom integration.
1. Add Dynatrace Integration to Your All Quiet Team
Create a Dynatrace integration
- Click on the
Integrations > Inbound
Tab. - Click on
Create New Integration
Select Dynatrace as the Integration’s Type
- Enter a
Display Name
for your Dynactrace integration, e.g. “Dynatrace”. - Pick the
you’d like to add the integration to. - Select
as the type. - Click
Create Inbound Integration
Get the All Quiet webhook URL
After creating the Dynatrace integration on All Quiet, you can view and copy the webhook URL. You will require this URL in step 2 when configuring the custom integration on Dynatrace.
2. Create a custom integration on Dynatrace
Sign in to your Dynatrace Account. Then, open Settings
. The easiest way to get there is to use the search (cmd+k).
- Search for “Settings”
- Click on the search result.
- In the sitenav, scroll down and open
. - Select
Problem notifications
Add notification
It’s time to define the integration in Dynatrace.
- Select
Custom Integration
- Select a
Display name
, e.g. “All Quiet” - Paste in the All Quiet webhook URL you’ve obtained in step Get The All Quiet Webhook URL.
- Select
Call webhook if problem is closed
toggle. - Paste the following JSON snippet into the
Custom Payload
- As Alerting Profile, select
- Send test notification.
- You’ll receive a feedback if the test was successful.
Save changes
to save your All Quiet integration in Dynatrace.
Returning to the All Quiet Web App, you will find the Dynatrace test notification on /app/incidents.
Dynatrace is now successfully integrated with All Quiet. To test if everything works as expected you can interact with any problem in Dynatrace, e.g. close an existing problem.
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