Cisco AppDynamics
Connect Cisco AppDynamics to All Quiet
Integrate Cisco AppDynamics into All Quiet by using our custom integration.
1. Add Cisco AppDynamics Integration to Your All Quiet Team
Create a Cisco AppDynamics integration
- Click on the
Integrations > Inbound
Tab. - Click on
Create New Integration
Select Cisco AppDynamics as the Integration’s Type
- Enter a
Display Name
for your Cisco AppDynamics integration, e.g. “AppDynamics”. - Pick the
you’d like to add the integration to. - Select
Cisco AppDynamics
as the type. - Click
Create Inbound Integration
Get the All Quiet webhook URL
After creating the integration on All Quiet, you can view and copy the webhook URL. You will require this URL in step 2 when configuring the custom integration on Cisco AppDynamics.
2. Create a custom integration on Cisco AppDynamics
Sign in to your Cisco AppDynamics Account.
- Open
Account Overview
Launch Controller
Select Alert & Respond
- Open
HTTP Request Templates
in sitenav. - Start
It’s time to define the template.
- Add a
for your HTTP request template, like “All Quiet” - For the
Request URL
, selectMethod
“Post” - As
, paste in the All Quiet webhook URL you’ve obtained in step Get The All Quiet Webhook URL.
- As
, select “NONE” - As
, select “application/json” - Use the following
- In section
Response Handling Criteria
, addSuccess Criteria
withStatus Code
200 andContent Type
“application/json”. - In
, checkOne Request Per Event
box. - Click on
To test the configuration, return to the template and click on Test
For the test, you can choose between different Log Level
and Criteria
- Select a
Log Level
, like “Debug”. - Select an
Event Type Trigger
. Here, we chose “Health Rule Violation Started - Warning”. This means we expect a new All Quiet Incident with Severity “Warning” when running the test. Run Test
After running the test, you’ll receive a notification if the test run was successful.
To check if the expected All Quiet Incident was created, open our Web App and navigate to /app/incidents.
Adjust Payload Mapping
Looking to customize the fields of your incidents by adjusting the pre-built payload mapping? Simply head over to the “Payload” tab within your integration and make the necessary edits to the mapping. For detailed guidance, you may check out our payload mapping documentation.
resource for the AppDynamics integration. Simply copy the syntax to your .tf file and tailor the resource to your team’s needs!