Setup time: 2 Min

Easily integrate SigNoz with All Quiet. Automatically forward alerts from SigNoz to All Quiet, streamline your incident response.

1. Create SigNoz Integration on All Quiet

Sign in to your All Quiet account.

Create Integration

  1. Click on the Integrations > Inbound tab.
  2. Click on Create New Integration.

Select SigNoz as the integration’s type

  1. Enter a display name for your integration, e.g. SigNoz.
  2. Select a team.
  3. Select SigNoz as the integration’s type.
  4. Click Create Inbound Integration.

Get the All Quiet Webhook URL

After creating the integration on All Quiet, you can view the unique All Quiet Webhook URL of your SigNoz integration. You will require it in step 2 when configuring the custom integration on SigNoz.

2. Configure a custom integration with SigNoz

Once you’ve set up an integration of type “SigNoz” with All Quiet, the next step is to add a new alerting channel to your SigNoz account. This ensures all your SigNoz alerts will be forwarded to All Quiet.

Sign in to your SigNoz Account.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Select the tab Alert Channels
  3. Click New Alert Channel

It’s time to set up the new notification channel.

  1. Select a name, e.g. All Quiet
  2. As type, select Webhook
  3. As Webhook URL, paste in the All Quiet Webhook URL you’ve obtained in step Get the All Quiet Webhook URL.
  4. Test your alerting channel. If successful, you will find a test incident in All Quiet, created by SigNoz (see 2nd screenshot below).
  5. Then, save the channel.
You’re ready. All Quiet will now create incidents based on all your SigNoz alerts.

Adjust Payload Mapping

Looking to customize the fields of your incidents by adjusting the pre-built payload mapping? Simply head over to the “Payload” tab within your integration and make the necessary edits to the mapping. For detailed guidance, you may check out our payload mapping documentation.

Using our Terraform provider? Download the default mapping of the allquiet_integration_mapping resource for the SigNoz integration. Simply copy the syntax to your .tf file and tailor the resource to your team’s needs!