Setup time: 2 Min

Set up our All Quiet HTTP Monitor to ping your website anytime. The monitor is set up within a few clicks. After setting it up, we’ll create incidents to inform you if anything is wrong.

1. Create All Quiet Website / HTTP Monitor

Sign in to your All Quiet account.

Create Integration

  1. Click on the Integrations > Inbound tab.
  2. Click on Create New Integration.

Select Website / HTTP Monitor as the integration’s type

  1. Enter a display name for your Monitor, e.g. HTTP Monitor.
  2. Select a team.
  3. Select Website / HTTP Monitor as the integration’s type.
  4. Click Create Inbound Integration.

2. Configure your Website / HTTP Monitor

Once you’ve set up the “Website / HTTP Monitor”, it’s time to configure it. This can be done on the the integration’s page.

  1. Select your Method (HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE or PATCH) and enter the URL you want to Monitor. If you want to monitor different URLs, simply set up several monitors.
  2. Optionally, you can add Headers in JSON format.
  3. Select your Authentification method (None, Basic or Bearer).
  4. Select the Timeout, the duration after which the monitor should time out and considered to be failed.
  5. You may add the the number of days after which your SSL certificate expires. By adding the days until the expiration, your can make sure to either downgrade the monitor or let it fail before the expiration day. This ensures you won’t miss the expiration.
  6. Interval: Select how often the monitor should be triggered.
  7. To finish your setup, click Save Monitor Settings.
Your monitor is now set up, configured and running.

Test your Monitor

We recommend testing your monitor after setting it up to see if it works as you expected. After saving the monitor,

  1. click “Test Monitor”.
  2. You’ll find the result below.

Incident creation from Monitor

If the monitor fails, you will see that in the results…

…as well as in your incidents overview. An All Quiet incident is created from your HTTP Monitor.