Teams are a means of organizing collaborators (team members) and integrations.

  • Each user can be a member of multiple teams.
  • Each integration belongs to exactly one team.
  • Each incident triggered by an integration is thus available for collaboration only to the members of the integration’s team.

Create a team


Step 1

Under Teams click Create Team.


Step 2

Pick a team’s name and hit Create. You can later change the team’s name.



A user has one of the following roles within a team:

  • Member: A member or collaborator can collaborate on all incidents.
  • Adminstrator: An admin can manage a team’s members and integrations as well as collaborate on incidents.

Inviting Members

After setting up your team, you’re instantly assigned the Administrator role and become the primary account holder for billing purposes. Refer to our Billing section for more details.

Inviting colleagues is straightforward:

  • Simply send them an invite via email.
  • They’ll need to sign up and accept your invitation to collaborate.

This process ensures a secure and efficient team collaboration setup.


Step 1

Navigate to the Members section within your team settings.


Step 2

Enter the email addresses of colleagues you wish to invite, then click Invite to join. An invitation email will be sent to each with further instructions.


Step 3

Invitees receive an email with a link to Accept Invitation to [Team Name]. Clicking this confirms their membership and grants access to collaborate.