Incident routing in All Quiet allows technical teams to streamline their workflows by customizing how incidents are handled based on specific conditions and actions. This feature ensures that alerts are managed and escalated efficiently, tailored to the severity and nature of the incident.

Two popular use cases are:

  1. Mute channels when Environment = "TEST" -> reduce noise for Development/Testing Environments
  2. Trigger an outbound webhook only for incidents that have been escalated

You can check out the examples on this page.

Setting Up Your Incident Routing

Step 1: Create New Routing


Create New Routing

To begin setting up your incident routing, navigate to the Routing & Workflows section in the sidebar and click on Create New Routing.


Name and Create Your Routing

Under ‘Display Name’ enter the name for your routing like “My First Routing” and hit Create Routing.

Step 2: Add Rules

Now you can start configuring your Incident Routing by clicking on Add Rule and configuring your routing rules.

Define Conditions

Specify the conditions under which your routing rule should trigger. You can configure the following parameters:

  • Statuses: Choose between Open or Resolved.
  • Severities: Select the severity level such as Minor, Warning, or Critical.
  • Integrations: Pick the integrated tools that should trigger the rule.
  • Intents: Filter by the incident’s current state, like resolved, escalated, etc.
  • Attributes: Create custom conditions by setting Name and Value attributes.

Configure Actions

Once the conditions are met, define the actions to be executed:

  • Route to Teams: Directs the incident to specified teams. Selecting this option replaces the original incident’s team assignment. To retain the original team alongside new assignments, explicitly include it in the selection.
    This feature is only available if the routing’s team is associated with an organization. Organizations are available on Pro and Enterprise plans.
  • Change Severity: Update the incident’s severity level.
  • Add Interaction: Insert an interaction, such as a comment or status update.
  • Discard: Choose to discard the incident if it meets certain criteria.
  • Rule Flow Control: Decide whether to continue with subsequent rules or not.
  • Delay Actions (min.): Decide whether to delay the defined actions by a certain number of minutes or not.

Choose Channels

Determine how notifications are sent out by configuring channels:

  • Mute all Channels: Silence notifications across all channels.
  • Channels: Select only specific outbound channels that should be triggered when conditions are met, e.g. you can define that only for the conditions you set a generic outbound is triggered.


Here are two examples of how teams are setting up Incident Routing with All Quiet

Step 3: Finalize Your Incident Routing

You can add multiple rules and connect them with either Continue with subsequent rules or Skip subsequent rules. Rules are evaluated top to bottom and each matching rule is executed. You can edit or delete individual rules and reorder the rules you have defined to create custom workflows and make All Quiet work for your team.