Status Pages are available on Pro and Enterprise plans.

Set Up Your Status Pages

Your status pages will show the current states of your services. At All Quiet, each of your services will receive a unique status graph that you can add to your status pages. So in order to create a status page, we need to create a service, first.

Create a Service

To create a service, you first need to creat an organization.

  1. Then, select Services in the Web App.
  2. Click Create New Services

To create a service, fill out the following form.

  1. Select a Display Name for the service. It will only be used internally, not publicly on your status pages.
  2. Select the Organization of the service. Only Incidents created in Teams that belong to this organization can affect this service.
  3. Select the Public Title of the service. When adding this service to a status page, this name will appear on the status page and in incident update emails to status page subscribers.
  4. Add a Public Description of your service, visible on the the status page, next to the status graph of the service.
  5. Create Service

Add Message Templates to Service

In the case of an incident, status pages offer real-time updates for your customers. To give more context, you might want to add a message if an incident is affecting a service. As every second counts during the incident response, you can create message templates that you can easily copy and paste in the event of an incident.

You can find the template section at the bottom of the corresponding service’s page of your web app.

To add a new template, click Add Template.

  1. Add a Display Name, that will be visible when marking an incident as affecting for this service.
  2. Prepare the message.
  3. Click Add Template
  1. You can see the template you created.
  2. Click Update Service to save your changes.

Next time when selecting the affect action for an incidents, you will see the Template.

  1. Select the service that you created the template for
  2. We will show the related templates.
  3. Per click, we add the text from the template as commment.
  4. Select Publicly Share to publish the comment on you status pages and sent it in an email to your subscribers. To create a status page, see below.

Create a Status Page

After creating at least 1 service, we can create our first status page.

  1. Select Status Pages in the Web App.
  2. Click Create New Status Page

To create a status page, fill out the following form.

  1. Select a Display Name for the status page. It will only be used internally, not publicly on your status pages.
  2. Select the Organization of the status page. Only services belonging to this organization can be displayed on the status page.
  3. Select the URL of your status page.
  4. Select the services that you want to display on your status page. Each service will be visible with it’s own status graph, showing it’s current status and historical data.

Next, select Create status page.

Edit Status Page

Next, you will find the following menu:

  1. Find the URL of your status page in the header.
  2. There are four different tabs to configure your status page, Edit, Public Appearance, Embed and Subscribers. In the Edit Tab, you will find the information you entered to create the status page. You can change it anytime.
  3. Moreover, you can select how many days of uptime history you want to display for your services on the status page. Select between different timeframes, ranging from last 7 days to the whole last year.
  4. Select the Timezone for your status page. Default is UTC.
  5. Don’t forget to save your changes by clicking Update status page

Public Appearance of Status Page

Here’s how you can configure and change the public appearance of your status page.

  1. Select the Public Appearance tab.
  2. Enter the Public Title, that will be visible on your status page.
  3. Enter a Public Description, that will be visible below the Public Title
  4. Enter a Public Company Name, that will be diplayed in header and footer of the status page. Moreover, it will be used as the “From” name in the emails to subscribers of your status page.
  5. You can enter a Public Company URL, opened when clicking the Public Company Name on your status pages.
  6. Add a Public Support URL for your customers.
  7. Your Public Support Email will be diplayed on the status pages, plus will be used as email address to reply to in status page update emails.
  8. You may want to create public, less technical titles for our incident severities Critical, Warning and Minor. If omitted, we will use our severities for incidents on the status page and in corresponding emails.
  9. You can add custom colors for the Banner Background and Banner Text at the top of the status page. You may add extra colors for dark mode. If omitted, we use the same colors for light and dark mode.
  10. To save the changes, click Update Public Appearance.
  11. You can add a Logo, Logo (Dark Mode) and Favicon, visible on the status page. Uploads are saved automatically. If you don’t upload a Logo for dark mode, we use the same logo for light and dark mode

Embed Status Page

Select between different options to embed your status page on your website. You can simply embed the Link, embed the status page in an Iframe, use our Badge, or read the current status via JSON and build a custom frontend.

Manage Subscribers of Status Page

The Subscribers tab allows you to manage and oversee the subscribers of your status page.

  1. Disable Public Subscription: When enabled, users can not subscribe via your status page (we remove the Subscribe button). New subscribers can only be added via this page.
  2. To add new subscribers, click + Add Subscribers
  1. Enter the email addresses you want to add as subscribers.
  2. Click Create to invite email addresses to subscribe.
  1. You will find the invited email addresses in the list.
  2. Confirmed is empty as long as the owner of the email address hasn’t confirmed the subscription. The email address will not receive any status page updates until confirmation.
  3. You can remove subscribers by clicking Delete. Subscribers themselves can always unsubscribe via links in the status page update emails or via the status page itself (the latter is not possible when Disable Public Subscription is active).

After adding email address as subscribers, the owner of the email address will receive this email.

  1. Notice that the Public Company Name is used as the “From”.
  2. Owner of the email address needs to confirm the subscription.

Aftwerwards, you will find the “confirmed” timestamp in the Subscribers tab.

You have successfully configured your first Status Page! Now, let’s have a look what it can do.

Your Public Status Page

Next, open your status page to see the changes. If you uploaded a favicon, you should see it in your browser tab. If not, delete your cache and try again.

On the page, you will find the following

  1. Uploaded Logo
  2. Your Public Company Name. Clicking it will open the Public Company URL
  3. In case you added a Public Support Email, users will find it here.
  4. In case you added a Public Support URL, users will find a “Support” button.
  5. The Public Title of the status page.
  6. The Public Description of the status page.
  7. The current status of the services listed on the status page.
  8. The Subscribe button, only visible when Disable Public Subscription is disabled.
  9. The status graph and Public Title of the service “Cloud Infrastructure”. Each service listed on this status page will receive it’s own status graph
  10. The Public Description of the service.
  11. The historic uptime & the current status of the service.
  12. The historic uptime of the status. If there’s no historic data, the chart elements are coloured grey.
  13. Incident History: The current and historic incidents, plus planned and conducted maintenances.

More about 11-13 in section Communication of Incidents on Status Pages

Communication of Incidents on Status Pages

This section is designed to explain how incidents and incident updates are displayed on status pages. Moreover, we will add more context about the emails that your status pages’ subscribers will receive.

Status Graph

The status graph of each service on your status page shows both, historical and real-time information about the status of the service.

  1. The historical information can be retained from the color codes of the time intervals.
    1. Green = Service operational, no incidents that affected the services.
    2. Blue = At least on incident with Minor severity during this interval.
    3. Yellow = At least on incident with Warning severity during this interval.
    4. Red = At least on incident with Critical severity during this interval.
    5. Grey = no data available
  2. You can also see the current state of the service (here: operational) and the historic uptime for the considered history. As incidents of all severities lower the uptime, it’s the percentage of incident free time.

Example - Incident Affects Service

To see what happens when an incidents affects a service, we can best look at an example.


Incident Overview - Incident Affects Service

We know that an incident affects one of our services. So we select the affect action. In the Overlay, we can select the affected service (1) Next, we can add a comment. If previously created, we can make use of our Service Message Templates, here (2). When an incident affects a service, we will inform the subscribers of your status page in any case,. Here, you can decide if you want to share a comment with them, too (3). To finish the action, click Affect(4).


Active Incident on Status Page

You can see the ongoing incident on the status page. As the incident is of critical severity and we mapped it to the public name Major Outage, users get this information about the severity.(1) Next to the status graph of the service you can see that the service is currently not operational. This information is also added to the history and the latest time interval is filled red (2). As there’s a major outage for one of the status page’s services, this is flagged in the summary section (3).


Incident Action with Public Comment

A team member informed his team that it is investigating and added a public comment.


Incident Updates on Status Pages

As the team member published the comment, the comment and action are posted in the incident’s history on the status page.


Subscribers receive update per Mail

The subscribers of the status page also receive an update per email.


Incident is resolved

Incident get’s marked as resolved.


Status Page - Service is operational

With the resolution, the incident has ended (1). The status graph shows that the service is operational, again. The history still shows that there was a critical incident (2). If there are no open incidents in affecting this or other services, the status page shows that all services are operational, again (3). Subscribers also receive a mail that tells inform them about the incident’s resolution. For more info about which incidents updates are shared publicly, see below.

List of Incident Actions that Update The Status Page

Below you can find a table that shows which incident actions are shared publicly on the status pages.

Each action that is shared publicly is also shared per email with subscribers.

Incident ActionShared Publicly?Implication if Shared Publicly?
AffectsYes. Additional public comment is optional.Incident is added to Status Page, Services are affected.
ResolveAutomatically, if incident affects a service. Additional public comment is optional.Affected Services are operational, again. Public comment is added to incident history.
InvestigateOnly if incident affects a service + a public comment is created with the Investigate action.Public comment + Investigate action are added to the incident history.
EscalateOnly if incident affects a service + a public comment is created with the Escalate action.Public comment + Escalate action are added to the incident history.
CommentOnly if incident affects a service + comment is made public.Public comment is added to incident history.
ReopenAutomatically, if incident affects a service. Additional public comment is optional.Incident is reopened on Status Page, Services are affected, again.

Maintenances of Services

Maintenances are a necessity. To keep your customers in the loop, we’ve a added a Maintenance feature for status ages, allowing you to inform customers about plannend maintenances in advance, as well as keeping them in the loop during a maintenance.

Incidents that occur during a maintenance will not be visible on status pages and not count as downtime. Incidents that occur during maintenance and affect will not be visible on status pages and not count as downtime.

Create Maintenance for Services

To be able to create a maintenance, you first need to create a service.

  1. Then, select Maintenance in the Web App.
  2. Click Create New Service Maintenance.
  1. Create an internal Display Name for the Maintenance. It won’t be shared publicly.
  2. Select the Organization of the maintenance. Only services belonging to this organization can be selected for maintenance.
  3. Select the Services affected by the maintenance.
  4. To save, click Create Maintenance.

Next, you can plan your the maintenance.

  1. Select the maintenance’s timezone. If omitted, UTC per default.
  2. Schedule the maintenance.
  3. Add a Public Description for the maintenance, visible on your status pages that feature the affected service and in the update emails for subscribers.

Click Update Maintenance to safe settings.

On /app/service-maintenance in the Web App, you can see all your maintenances. From here, you can edit and delete them.

Caution: Don’t delete past maintenances. They will vanish from the status page, and incidents that occured during the deleted maintenance will count as downtime for the affected services. Rescheduling a past maintenance for the future has the same effect. Instead, we recommend to create a new maintenance and copy the content from the past to the new maintenance.

Communication of Service Maintenances on Status Pages

In general, service maintenances are communicated via two channels

  • They are displayed on the status pages that feature the services in maintenance
  • There are emails informing subscribers of status pages about the service maintenances. See email list at bottom of the page for more info.

On the status pages, an Upcoming Maintenance for a service is displayed directly below the status graphs.

For Ongoing Maintenances:

  1. There is be a banner on top of the status page, above the status graphs.
  2. The status graphs of the services in maintenance sho the maintenance.

For Past Maintenances:

They are showing in the history of the status page, between the incidents that affected the services.

Caution: Don’t delete past maintenances. They will vanish from the status page, and incidents that occured during the deleted maintenance will count as downtime for the affected services

Emails for Maintenances

Below you can find a list of emails that are sent out to subscribers in context of service maintenances.

Email CopyEmail HeadlineTrigger
Maintenance scheduled for "Service"Maintenance ScheduledThe schedule of the maintenance is created or changed. Not sent for ad-hoc maintenances.
Maintenance started for "Service"Maintenance StartedThe maintenance starts.
Maintenance ended for "Service"Maintenance EndedThe maintenance has ended.
Maintenance cancelled for "Service"Maintenance CancelledThe maintenance has been deleted.

Email Body

The body of the email is always the same, only copy and headline change. It always features the Public Description of the maintenance. Below, you can find an example.